
Joint conference - 27th Congress of the International Society for Fibrinolysis and Proteolysis (ISFP/PA) and 28th Workshop of the International Fibrinogen Research Society (IFRS)

Sunday 28 September – Thursday 2 October 2025

Corfu Holiday Palace
Nausikas str. 2,
Kanoni 49100,
Corfu, Greece

Interested in supporting this meeting?

Please contact Natasha Dougall for a sponsorship pack.

E: natasha@wheldonevents.co.uk

Why support this joint meeting?

  • Visibility and Brand Recognition: Increase your ROI by showcasing your company’s products and services to a targeted audience.
  • Networking Opportunities: Develop and maintain relationships with an international audience.
  • Connect with Stakeholders and Decision Makers: Meet with people with authorisation to purchase your products.
  • Networking with Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) in the fields related to Fibrinogen/Fibrinolysis: Have influence in the future direction of research/diagnostic and therapeutic applications

This joint IFRS/ISFP conference is sponsored by various companies, including but not limited to those shown below.
These organisations have had no input into the development of the conference programme, or influenced the choice of speakers. 

Sponsoring organisations will  not be contributing in any way to the organisation and running of any social activities around the conference period.

Submit an Abstract
Abstract Submission Form
  • Abstract Details
  • Author / Presenter Details

Complete your submission by uploading a word version of your abstract on page two of this submission form.

Submitting Author Details
Presenting Author Details
Abstract File Upload *

Please upload your abstract in a word file format to include the full abstract to include title, all authors, their affiliations, body text and any graphics or images. (.doc, .docx)

Registration - IFRS-ISFP Joint Congress 2025
Registration Form
  • Booking
  • Contact Info
  • Payment

The registration package includes 4 nights bed and breakfast accommodation (standard twin bedded room) at the Corfu Holiday Palace Hotel; daily refreshment and lunch breaks, all evening meals including welcome reception, conference dinner; access to all programme sessions, oral and poster sessions and exhibition.

Booking Details

Social programme – for accompanying persons

A ticket to each of the below is already included in your registration package. Only add on if you are planning to attend with a friend or family member who is not participating in the congress.

Balance: £

Contact Info

Balance: £


Amount Due: £

Amount to be invoiced: £

Data Protection

Your email will be used to update you with information and announcements about the conference including reminders and/or links to access the content.

Your name, job title, organisation, town/city, country (as provided at the time of booking) will be available via the attendee list available electronically to all attendees. This information will help elevate your overall networking experience and help match you with attendees with common interests.

Due to EU GDPR changes effective from 25 May 2018, you are now required to OPT IN to continue receiving information from the IFRS and ISFP on its meetings and other meetings of interest.

If you do not OPT IN the IFRS and ISFP and will be unable to send you meeting notifications.

stay informed about the Joint IFRS ISFP/PA Congress

Register your interest

Email consent*