Abstract submission guidance:
- Abstracts should be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word.
- The abstracts should be in their final form at the point of submission.
- Any boxes/key lines surrounding the abstracts should be removed.
- Check that there are no conversion errors in the Word files, especially foreign characters and mathematical symbols.
- The abstract file should be saved as the surname and initial of the lead author followed by the submission data in the following format:
Abstract title
- Avoid overly long titles.
Author names* First name(s) and last name(s). Full names are preferred because if only initials are used this can cause confusion if authors have common last names.
Author affiliations* Give full postal address, including country, of each author. Author affiliations should be indicated by superscript numbers, e.g. 1John Smith, 2John Bradley.
1University Hospitals Bristol, Marlborough St, Bristol BS1 3NU, UK; 2 Department of Physiology, The University of Sheffield, Western Bank, Sheffield, S10 2TN, UK.
Please give the email address of the lead author
*Missing/incomplete details will not be queried and will be published as is.
Abstracts must not be longer than 250 words (including section headings). Word count does not include the title, tables and figure headings.
- Use 11-point arial with 2 cm margins for all sections, except the authors addresses, which should use 11-point arial. Tables and figures can also be 11 point.
- The abstract may be structured under the following headings: Background, Objectives, Patients/Methods, Results and Conclusions; or it may be unstructured (without these headings).
- Any abbreviations should be defined where first mentioned.
- Authors are permitted 1 figure or 1 table as appropriate for their abstract. Note that it is not a requirement to include a figure or table.
- We accept most figure formats: .jpeg, .tif, .gif, .eps, powerpoint, etc. and these should be embedded within the Word document.
- All figures should be cited in the abstract to which they belong.
- Figures will be published as per the resolution of the figure provided (minimum 300 dpi is recommended).
- Figures should be prepared and submitted in monochrome (preferably black and white or shades of).
- Figure legends should be editable and appear in the abstract text under the figure.
- Tables should be embedded in the Word document containing the abstracts.
- Tables should be cited in the abstract to which they belong.
- Tables must be free from colour.
- Table legends should be editable and appear in the abstract text under the table.
- All conflicts of interest should be declared.
- The presenting author must be available to travel to Corfu to make the presentation. No virtual options for presentation of orals or posters are permitted.
- The submitting author will be notified if their abstract has been selected for oral or poster presentation.
- Certificates will be presented to the best scoring oral and poster abstracts